TankZ! Barrel shooting animation In this little blog post I want to cover how a barrel shooting animation is created. When the player shoots (in this case presses the left mouse button) a little shooting animation should be started. It will animate a recoil of the barrel.This is how the tank game object
TankZ! Tank move and barrel mouse follow script This entry is part 3 of 4 in the series [TankZ - A game made to learn Unity](https://manuel-rauber.com/series/tankz-a-game-made-to-learn-unity/ "TankZ - A game made to learn Unity")After we’ve set up the first visual representation of a tank, we want to move the
TankZ! First things first: Get some graphics This entry is part 2 of 4 in the series [TankZ - A game made to learn Unity](https://manuel-rauber.com/series/tankz-a-game-made-to-learn-unity/ "TankZ - A game made to learn Unity")After getting used to the Unity editor, I started developing TankZ by getting some graphics first. Developing
TankZ! TankZ Introduction Since I’ve discovered Unity [http://unity3d.com/] a long time ago, I’ve always wanted to try it out. I’m a big fan of playing Tower Defence (TD) games, so my big goal is, to create own by my own. My mind already produces a lot of ideas