SequelizeJS Using geo-based data with SequelizeJS utilizing PostgreSQL and MS SQL Server in Node.js I’m currently building an Angular 2 sample application, which will use location-based data. The app uses the browser’s navigator.geolocation [] feature to obtain the current position and send it to a server which returns a list of chat
Auth0 Automatically augment find() results of SequelizeJS with Auth0 user data For my current side project (aside from TankZ! [];-)) I’m using Auth0 [] for identity management as well as SequelizeJS [] with a MS SQL server. That said, I don’t have the user data
MSSQL Connect to MS SQL using Node.js and SequelizeJS Today I tried using Node.js together with SequelizeJS [] to connect to a named MS SQL instance. SequelizeJS is an ORM providing abstractions to work with databases like PostgreSQL, MySQL, MS SQL and more. While the documentation is really good, it is missing the